Hilary is currently an Associate Specialist Director at Tony Gee. She has wide experience in consultancy in the geotechnical design and specification of foundations and earthworks and in interpretation of ground conditions. Training of early profession geotechnical engineers is also a focus. She spent the first four years of her career up to gaining Chartered status, with Gibb; the Limehouse Link was a key project. Her subsequent experience includes seven years in research in Geotechnics at BRE, with particular emphasis on insitu test devices, in particular the cone pressuremeter, and on developing semi-empirical design procedures for foundations. Following BRE she spent 24 years in consultancy at Arup, including seven years seconded to RLE on the CTRL/HS1 project. She undertook the MSc at Imperial College in 1995 where she was a student of John Burland, who’s teaching and publications have inspired her throughout her career. Her role largely involves design management and geotechnical analysis of retaining walls, basement design, piled and shallow foundations, including foundation re-use, earthworks, preparation of specifications for ground investigations and piling works, geotechnical reports, providing design checking, review and advice and construction supervision. Her role includes in-house professional and technical training of early profession geotechnical engineers where she is committed to dissemination across all aspects of this field. She is a member of the AGS working groups on Instrumentation and Monitoring and on Effective Procurement of Ground Investigation, and a member of the DFI Task Force on Foundation Reuse. She is involved with the BGA early career group on a series of talks to disseminate the Manual of Geotechnical Engineering second edition. She has recently contributed to the Government Office of Science Future of the Subsurface Foresight Project.